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Wednesday, 15 December 2010

now it's time for cold air -20°C in Rawdon lastnite

I was up at 06h00 and my outdoor thermometer read -20°C that's cold ... but not as cold as the newsblog read a little later as I settled down to a coffee and had a smoke nobody spoke but I went into a dream .. to paraphrase John Lennon .. where did all the money go? .. sobering as I watched video after video as they tried to explain schemes of the elite banksters and the very private Federal Reserve. One piece of advice stuck in my mind buy silver .. collapse JPMorgan Chase buy silver... trade in your paper for coins ... silver bullets to bring down a very self serving group of banksters ... then when gold goes down and it will buy gold coins .. bring fortknox to a home near you .. that is if you have the cash ... 24 million watched Dancin with the Stars One more thing the cdn gov wants to do away with the penny ... there are avg 600 pennies to be counted in canadian homes ... don't cash em in at par they are worth a penny and a half now ... if the paper money crashes they may be worth a buck ...


  1. Ahh I love winter ...it's snowing again -10 and I'm outside shoveling another driveway for my friends cars .. the snowplow blew his wet snow into my alternate spot so I'm cleaning the snow as I write ... it's great exercise as long as I don't overdo it so I rest a lot secret is never do more than you can recuperate in 30 seconds .. a little like .. sex ...

  2. wnat some more ..

    Here’s a quick list of things the Fed has done to enrich a small group of global bankers at everyone’s expense.

    Printing up $2 Trillion and giving it to the big banks for their toxic fraudulent debt;
    Extending zero interest loans (American people’s money) to the banks, so the banks can then lend it to the government (American taxpayers) at 3-4% interest;
    Aiding and abetting the biggest accounting scam in world history;
    Massive market manipulation, in the Trillions.
