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Friday, 15 April 2011

Steve's take on the Campaign 2011 French Debate

by Steve Solo on Thursday, 14 April 2011 at 01:05
Four Million watched Tuesday's English debate not me .. I watched the french debate last nite. It was quite informative and the moderators kept up the pace by taking questions from Quebecers addressed to the debators. The prime minister looked nervous answering few of the questions directed his way. He preferred the safety of the keywords: economy, stability, majority. He looked robotic and stiff, I was not impressed and kinda relieved that he looked like his goose was cooked.

One Harper quote I agree with was that the conservatives have nothing in common with the other parties. That's an understatement for sure, but one thing stood out again how the libs and cons are both proponents of a large standing army .... The NDP prefers a stay at home army. Who wants to raise taxes? the only party repeating we won't raise taxes was the minority governement leader. The NDP and Liberals had social plans I could identify with but the conservatvives have nothing for me.. I like the NDP idea of getting tough with the banks they are way too expensive.  

I don't like the F35 airplane. I know I'll never ride in one nor will it protect me from a natural disaster or evil aliens. Why spend all that money? I don't like the idea building prisons to lock up people for even longer stiffer terms .. crime is going down in Quebec.. need more room? let out those non violent types locked up for fines and dealing pot. and on the subject of POT .. no mention of the stuff.. still taboo ..

So what about the Bloc's Gilles Duceppe ..to say the least he was in fine form speaking in french, eloquently stating the his party was the only choice for Quebec to prevent a consevative majority. We heard the usual talk about language and the constitution and Duceppe affirmed that he was still a separatist.. I guess no change here.

The plate-form I identify with the most was the NDP. They seem to be on the side of the middle class and the less fortunate. Jack Layton speaks french very well and carried on the debate, making points with his pleasing personality. Duceppe said that he didn't expect to be PM and neither should Layton. NDP needs to take a few seats from the Liberals and we might have a half decent coalition.

As for the Green Party and Elisabeth May .. they weren't invited.. so we didn't get to hear more of their plan ... too bad green is my favorite color.. in time they may have more of a chance if more people will vote Green. So will you be 18 or older this May 2? This will be the first time you get a chance to vote .. do so with your heart..
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  • Karina Rosenberg likes this.
    • Oriane Brière Merci pour ton "éditorial" simple et clair! Moi j'en ai profiter pour écouter Duceppe à "Tout le monde en parle" du dimanche que j'avais enregistrer pendant que j'allais chanter au karaoké!
      Yesterday at 07:52 · 
    • Oriane Brière 
      Pour moi, la VRAI Question c'est : Si on veut débarquer Harper, il faut une majorité... Si on vote chacun de son côté (Vert, Bloc, NPD..) on va encore se retrouver avec un gouv. minoritaire... même si au Québec on a le Bloc majoritaire. Harper va encore faire des magouilles pour faire passer ses lois.... ministres qui mentent, profiter de l'absence de l'absences des autres députés, faire de l'overtime toute la nuit..etc.. Alors on fait quoi??? Suivre son feeling ou faire front commun?
      Yesterday at 07:57 ·  ·  1 person
    • Karina Rosenberg 
      OK guys__ young and not so young __ get involved. Take a good hard look at the big issues: the Americanization of putting a $price$ on education and healthcare or keep our Canadian hard-fought for values of equal access for all to a decent education and medical care?Put the accent on more lucrative militarization contracts or put the accent back on peacekeeping for which Canada had established an admirable reputation? Why more prisons and for whom when, in reality, our actual crime rates have gone down? Prevention and rehabilitation are the way to go __ Quebec has set a standard to emulate here. And, the environment__ let's put it back on the front burner where it belongs. Without clean air and good water __ what kind of corporations will be attracted to invest in Canada? Why not make Canada the costa Rica of the north instead? To be continued
      21 hours ago · 


  1. so how's this for copy paste .. it reproduces perfectly .. it's ADN ..

  2. suivre son feeling ou fait front commun demande Oriane.. je pense qu'on peut suivre son feeling et faire front commun a même temps un vote vert orange ou bloc n'est pas un vote rouge ou bleu.
