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Sunday, 2 January 2011

Welcome to 2011 and JOJOJAM

I've spent the day quietly editing videos from last nite's show at the Casino Lounge of the Hotel Victoria. It was a varied crowd with lot's of dancing and special guests ... We had Stéphane who came up to Joliette from L'Epiphanie to play some drums and bass on the fiddle tunes. We also met with Mélanie Sauvageau who charmed us with her style and good humour. See the videos and LikeUs on JoJoBang FaceBook

1 comment:

  1. Let's add something to the conversation when capturing the videos from the handycam it's best to copy the whole 62 minutes and cut out your selections than do every bloody cut one by one ..
    nothing worse than having now empy casette to film something new
